Our Net-Zero Journey

Shine Brighter, Live Greener!

At The Sign Group, we specialise in crafting stunning signage to help businesses shine bright. We understand the importance of not only creating captivating signs but also doing so with a commitment to sustainability.

Our dedication to sustainable practices is a vital part of our business ethos. We believe that by embracing sustainability, we can light up the world while preserving it for future generations.

Our Sustainability Statement:

At The Sign Group, our hands-on craft meets heartfelt commitment. Beyond making signs that make your business shine, we're steering towards a circular economy, keeping both your vision and our world in clear sight.

Our 3 Sustainability Pillars:

  1. Source: To source materials in a way that protects our planet and it's people.

    We look for suppliers who:

    - Use sustainability practices
    - Minimize their environmental impact
    - Respect human rights and labour standards
  2. Make: Produce our signs using manufacturing methods and equipment in a way that minimizes our environmental impact.

    We do this by:

    - Using energy-efficient manufacturing processes.
    - Reducing our waste and recycling whenever possible.
    - Using sustainable materials in our signs.
    - Investing in renewable energy.

  3. Connect: Engage with customers, suppliers and employees to promote a more sustainable way of life.

Join Us on the Path to a Greener Future:

As a company specialising in signage, including faux neon, we are committed to illuminating the path to a greener future. By choosing The Sign Group, you're not only getting eye-catching signage but also supporting eco-conscious practices that benefit our planet. Together, let's light up your business while leaving a smaller environmental footprint. Contact us today to learn more about our sustainable signage solutions.

We're "Carbon Measured"

We are working with CarbonQuota to measure, reduce and certify our carbon emissions (certified: CarbonQuota 2023).

Our Journey So Far..

  • Made a shift from fully Solvent Inks to EcoSolvent for our wide format printing
  • We setup recycling solutions for Aluminium and Plastic waste
  • Installed an industrial paper shredder so we could use the shreddings as packaging
  • Installed LED lighting throughout our building at Victoria Works
  • 2 of our directors ran two 10k Runs, and did the Tough Mudder 13mile course to raise money for a Breast Cancer Charity.
  • Removed a large 'petrol station' self supported roof from our forecourt at Victoria Works, to create space for our teams vehicles, and to give them somewhere to sit in the sun.
  • Cladded a large outbuilding with thermally insulated cladding on the walls and roof to help control spikes in temperature to reduce using heating/cooling systems.
  • Introduced the 'Cycle To Work Scheme' for our team to encourage less car usage and more exercise and mental wellbeing
  • Change our energy provider to a 100% renewable energy. One of the best things we ever did for the planet.
  • Installed a commercial 'Brita' filtered hot and cold water tap in the canteen, which cuts out the need for a kettle.
  • Started 'Friday Games', where the team get together in the canteen on Friday break to eat some buns and play some games for prizes. This worked wonders to bring each department together, with the senior management making cups or tea and coffee for everyone, and being the butt of most of the jokes.
  • We starting holding MacMillan coffee mornings every year to support the wonderful charity. All the team get involved bringing in baked goods they've made themselves along with lots of other treats. It's for a brilliant cause, not so good for our waistline.
  • Gave each of the team a £100 bonus every month for 3months to help pay towards increasing utility bills
  • With rising costs in the UK, we gave our team the option of either going on a Christmas party, or us giving them the money we would have spent, on top of their Christmas bonus. They opted for the bonus in 2022, and we were more than happy to oblige if it helped ease money worries.
  • Installed an energy efficient Heating & Cooling system in the offices allowing us to turn off the radiators and only use the boiler for hot water.
  • Replaced two company vehicles with fully electric vehicles
  • Gave every person in the company an additional Holiday for their birthday.
  • Replaced all the desktop printers & photocopiers to the most energy efficient printers available. These amazing colour printers come with small ink pouches that that should last the entire life of the machine without needing to be replaced, apx 5-7yrs.
  • Replaced all our paper for the desktop machines to recycled options.
  • In partnership with CarbonQuota we've developed a Carbon Footprint Calculator that allows us to give a verified CO2e measurement for our Neonplus® and neon flex signs. This measurement is certified and means our clients can use this for the Sustainability documents required for their clients projects.
  • We've teamed up with Carma, allowing us to offer verified offsetting options, wherein we plant trees in the UK on behalf of our customers. Each customer receives a certificate and access to a personalised dashboard, enabling them to track their environmental impact.
  • We're incredibly happy to have produced a 'High Efficiency' Neonplus® option with a Grade B efficiency rating. Even though we can supply a product with Grade A LED efficiency, the limitations that comes with the strip to hit this efficiency is too much of a compromise for the final look and longevity of the product as a whole. Most competitors products will be graded at around Grade E, so for us to be able to offer this ultra efficient option is another 1st for The Sign Group and Neonplus®. We're confident by the end of 2024 we will have a Grade A option that we are happy with.

Want to find out more?
Downloadable Guide - Coming Soon